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1990年3月        导师:硕导





张星冉,副研究员,硕士生导师,本硕博均毕业于同济大学。主要研究方向为污水处理与资源化,重点聚焦于膜污染机制与控制、高性能材料制备、膜法污水处理工艺开发等研究工作。近年来先后主持国家自然科学基金、上海市人才发展资金等多项科研项目,在环境、水处理、膜技术领域顶级期刊Environmental Science & TechnologyWater ResearchJournal of Membrane Science等发表论文20授权国家发明专利6项、美国专利1,多次受邀参加国际国内学术会议。


2013.9-2018.1  同济大学  环境科学与工程  工学博士(硕博连读

2008.9-2012.7  同济大学  材料科学与工程  工学学士


2021.7-至今   东华大学   环境工程系   副研究员

2018.1-2020.1  同济大学  市政工程     博士后




1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:基于细菌接触损伤与应激诱导的QAC/PVDF膜抗生物污染机制与调控,2019/01-2021/12,主持

2. 上海市人才发展资金,2019/01-2021/12,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:膜生物反应器耦合电催化强化难降解有机物转化的污水再生技术原理,2019/01-2023/12项目骨干

4. 国家重点研发计划:上海高新区工业废水近零排放及资源化关键技术研发与应用,2020/04-2023/03项目骨干


1.Xingran Zhang, Jinxing Ma, Chuyang Y Tang, Zhiwei Wang*, How Yong Ng, Zhichao Wu, Anti-biofouling polyvinylidene fluoride membrane modified by quaternary ammonium compound: direct contact-killing versus induced indirect contact-killing, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(10): 5086-5093.

2.Xingran Zhang, Yu Guo, Tianlin Wang, Zhichao Wu, Zhiwei Wang*. Antibiofouling performance and mechanisms of a modified membrane in a membrane bioreactor: Role of silver@silica nanopollens, Water Research, 2020, 176: 115749.

3.Xingran Zhang, Meng Ping, Zhichao Wu, Chuyang Y Tang, Zhiwei Wang*. Microfiltration membranes modified by silver-decorated biomimetic silica nanopollens for mitigating biofouling: Synergetic effects of nanopollens and silver nanoparticles, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 597: 117773.

4.Xingran Zhang, Zhiwei Wang* Mei Chen, Mingxian Liu, Zhichao Wu, Polyvinylidene fluoride membrane blended with quaternary ammonium compound for enhancing anti-biofouling properties: Effects of dosage, Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 520: 66-75.

5.Xingran Zhang, Zhiwei Wang*, Mei Chen, Jinxing Ma, Shipei Chen, Zhichao Wu, Membrane biofouling control using polyvinylidene fluoride membrane blended with quaternary ammonium compound assembled on carbon material, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 539: 229-237.

6.Xingran Zhang, Zhiwei Wang*, Chuyang Y Tang, Jinxing Ma, Mingxian Liu, Meng Ping, Mei Chen, Zhichao Wu, Modification of microfiltration membranes by alkoxysilane polycondensation induced quaternary ammonium compounds grafting for biofouling mitigation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 549: 165-172.

7.Xingran Zhang, Jinxing Ma, Mei Chen, Zhichao Wu, Zhiwei Wang*. Microbial responses to transient shock loads of quaternary ammonium compounds with different length of alkyl chain in a membrane bioreactor, AMB EXPRESS, 2018, 8:118.

8.Lehui Ren, Meng Ping, Xingran Zhang*. Membrane Biofouling Control by Surface Modification of Quaternary Ammonium Compound Using Atom-Transfer Radical-Polymerization Method with Silica Nanoparticle as Interlayer, Membranes, 2020, 10: 417.


1.International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, 2020/11, London (British), Poster Presentation


3.the 9th IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, 2019/06, Toulouse (France), Invited Speech: Pollens-inspired Modification of Microfiltration Membranes for Biofouling Mitigation

4.the 8th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 2017/09, Singapore, Invited Speech: Membrane Biofouling Control Using Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane Blended with Quaternary Ammonium Compound Assembled on Carbon Material

5.International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, 2017/08, San Francisco (USA), Poster Presentation

6.the 5th IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology2016/07Kunming (China), Invited Speech: A Novel Indirect Contact-killing Mechanism for Enhanced Anti-biofouling Behaviours of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane Modified by Quaternary Ammonium Compounds


1.Zhiwei Wang, Mei Chen, Xingran Zhang, Xueye Wang, Junjian Zheng, Chen Pan, Zhichao Wu, Qiaoying Wang. Antibacterial and antifouling polymeric separation membrane and preparation method thereof. U.S. Patent, 1611247.





2.第五届IWA膜技术地区会议,最佳口头报告奖(Best Student Oral Presentation Award2016
