2013年9月- 2019年9月,东华大学 暖通博士
(1)Jianqi Liu, Xin Liu, Jiayao Chen, Xianying Li and Fangchuan Zhong. Plasma-catalytic oxidation of toluene on Fe2O3/sepiolite catalyst in DDBD reactor. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54: 475201.
(2)Jianqi Liu, Xin Liu, Jiayao Chen, Xianying Li, Tianpeng Ma and Fangchuan Zhong. Investigation of ZrMnFe/Sepiolite Catalysts on Toluene Deg-radation in a One-Stage Plasma-Catalysis System. Catalysts, 2021, 11: 828.
(3)Jiayao Chen, Jianqi Liu, Xin Liu, Wenye Gao, Jing Zhang, Fangchuan Zhong. Degradation of toluene in surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) reactor with mesh electrode: Synergistic effect of UV and TiO2 deposited on electrode. Chemosphere, 2022, 288: 132664.
(4)Xin Liu, Jianqi Liu, Jiayao Chen and Fangchuan Zhong. Degradation of benzene, toluene, and xylene with high gaseous hourly space velocity by double dielectric barrier discharge combined with Mn3O4/activated carbon fibers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55: 125206.
(5)Liu Xin, Liu Jianqi, Chen Jiayao, Zhong Fangchuan. Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts synergistic double dielectric barrier discharge (DDBD) degradation of toluene, ethyl-acetate and acetone. Chemosphere, 2021, 284: 131299.
(6)Jiayao Chen, Jianqi Liu, Xin Liu, Xiaoyi Xu, Fangchuan Zhong. Decomposition of Toluene with a Combined Plasma Photolysis (CPP) Reactor: Influence of UV Irradiation and Byproduct Analysis. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2021, 41: 409-420.
(7)Liu Xin, Liu Jianqi, Chen Jiayao, Zhong Fangchuan, Ma Chengyu. Study on treatment of printing and dyeing waste gas in the atmosphere with Ce-Mn/GF catalyst. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14(8): 1-6.
(8)Xiaolong Zhao, Xin Liu, Jianqi Liu, Jiayao Chen, Shihong Fu, Fangchuan Zhong. The effect of ionization energy and hydrogen weight fraction on the non-thermal plasma volatile organic compounds removal efficiency. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(14): 145201.
(9)Tianpeng Ma, Jiayao Chen, Jianqi Liu, Hongwei Lu, Chengran Du, Fangchuan Zhong. Promotion of toluene degradation in negative DC corona discharge by magnetic field. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(42): 425203.
(10) Tianpeng Ma, Jiayao Chen, Jianqi Liu, Hongwei Lu, Chengran Du and Fangchuan Zhong,Promotion of toluene degradation in negative DC corona discharge by magnetic field,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys,2018, 51: 425203.
(11) T Ma,H Jiang,J Liu,F Zhong. Decomposition of Benzene Using a Pulse-Modulated DBD Plasma. Plasma Chem Plasma Process, 2016, 36: 1533–1543.
(12) Xin Liu,Zhigang Hua,Xiaolu Yuan,Jianqi Liu*. Stochastic two-stage resilient scheduling of hydrogen system in power distribution grids with high penetration of solar PV systems: A convex worst case analysis,Sustainable Cities and Society,2024,112: 105581.
(13)Jiahui Bai, Jiayao Chen, Jiayi Wang, Jianqi Liu, Fangchuan Zhong. Effect of the component and the concentration ratio on the removal of volatile organic compound mixtures by non-thermal plasma, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2024,57:325505.
(14)Xin Liu, Jianqi Liu, Jiayao Chen, Fangchuan Zhong, Investigation on removal of multi-component volatile organic compounds in a two-stage plasma catalytic oxidation system - Comparison of X (X=Cu, Fe, Ce and La) doped Mn2O3 catalysts, Chemosphere, 2023,329:138557.
(15)刘建奇, 刘鑫, 陈佳尧, 钟方川. Fe/海泡石协同等离子降解甲苯的研究.环境污染与防治, 2021, 43(11): 1357-163+1370.
(16)刘建奇, 刘鑫, 陈佳尧, 钟方川. MnFe/海泡石后置协同等离子降解甲苯的研究.安全与环境工程, 2022,29(03):161-167.
(18)赵晓龙, 刘建奇, 刘鑫, 陈佳尧, 钟方川. 低温等离子体降解芳烃和烷烃类VOCs的对比研究. 环境工程, 2019, 37(05): 167-172.
(19)陈佳尧,刘建奇,刘鑫,钟方川. 紫外光/TiO_2协同沿面介质阻挡放电降解VOCs的对比研究.中国环境科学学会2019年科学技术年会——环境工程技术创新与应用分论坛论文集(四).
(1)中央高校基金:等离子体_多孔催化剂协同处理VOCs (2017-2019)(主持)