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许中硕副教授   硕导







2013.09-2018.06 同济大学 环境科学与工程

2011.09-2013.06 中国海洋大学 环境工程

2007.08-2011.06 哈尔滨工程大学 环境工程






1. 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,20YF1400200,典型抗生素在固相生物滤池深度脱氮过程中的转化规律及影响行为研究,2020.07-2023.0620万,主持

2. 上海市农委科技兴农重点攻关项目,2020-02-08-00-07-F01483,上海地区水产养殖环境中抗生素类药物残留调查与修复关键技术研究,2020.08-2023.0712/81万,主持

3. 技术服务,临海市牛头山水库保护区水生态环境质量优化提升综合治理项目可行性研究报告;2023.08-2024.07,20万,主持

4. 技术服务,城市雨污水环境下季铵盐改性聚合物水泥基防腐涂层的研发,2022.07-2023.06,20万,主持

5. 中央高校自由探索项目,20D111324,不同电子供体对反硝化活性污泥系统去除环丙沙星的影响机制研究,2020.03-2023.02,10万元,主持

6. 渔业机械研究所,HX113200557,流化床生物滤料结构性能检测,2020.12-2021.12,4.5万元,主持

7. 舟山市生态环境局,舟山市长江生态环境保护修复驻点跟踪研究项目,2019.11-2020.11,20万,主研参与

8. 上海市松江区生态环境局,HX113200183,松江区生态环境保护“十四五”规划,2020.03-2021.03,9.8万元,主研参与


1. Xu Zhongshuo; Ze Siwen; Chen Xueting; Song Xinshan; Wang Yuhui. Mutual influence mechanism of nitrate and sulfamethoxazole on their biotransformation in poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-3-hydroxyvalerate) supported denitrification biofilter for a long-term operation. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 345, 118897.

2. Wang Yifei; Li Dongpeng; Song Xinshan*; Cao Xin; Gao Chengteng; Xu Zhongshuo*; Huang Wei; Wang Yuhui; Mn-C micro-electrolysis filler for nutrient removal in constructed wetlands: Performance evaluation and biochemistry processes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 471, 144661.

3. Xu Zhongshuo; Li Yanan; Zhou Panpan; Song Xinshan; Wang Yuhui; New insights on simultaneous nitrate and phosphorus removal in pyrite-involved mixotrophic denitrification biofilter for a long-term operation: Performance change and its underlying mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 845, 157403.

4. Xu Zhongshuo; Qiao Wenwen; Song Xinshan; Wang Yuhui; Pathways regulating the enhanced nitrogen removal in a pyrite based vertical-flow constructed wetland. Bioresoure Technology, 2021, 325, 124705.

5. Wang Yuhui; Zhou Panpan; Song Xinshan; Xu Zhongshuo*; Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a PCL-supported constructed wetland with limited aeration. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30,22606-22616.

6. Xu Zhongshuo; Zhong Yueheng.; Wang Yuhui; Song Xinshan; Huang Wei, Removal performance and mechanism of phosphorus by different Fe-based layered double hydroxides. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29:74591–74601

7. Xu Zhongshuo; Dai Xiaohu; Chai Xiaoli; Biological denitrification using PHBV polymer as solid carbon source and biofilm carrier. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 146, 186-193.

8. Xu Zhongshuo; Dai Xiaohu; Chai Xiaoli; Effect of different carbon sources on denitrification performance, microbial community structure and denitrification genes. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 634, 195-204.

9.  Xu Zhongshuo; Dai, Xiaohu; Chai Xiaoli; Effect of temperature on tertiary nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater in a PHBV/PLA-supported denitrification system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26, (26), 26893-26899.

10.Xu Zhongshuo; Dai Xhu; Chai Xiaoli; Effect of temperature on tertiary nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater in a PHBV/PLA-supported denitrification system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26, (26), 26893-26899.

11.Xu Zhongshuo; Song Liyan; Dai Xiaohu; Chai Xiaoli; PHBV polymer supported denitrification system efficiently treated high nitrate concentration wastewater: Denitrification performance, microbial community structure evolution and key denitrifying bacteria. Chemosphere, 2018, 197, 96-104.

12.Xu Zhongshuo;Chai Xiaoli; Effect of weight ratios of PHBV/PLA polymer blends on nitrate removal efficiency and microbial community during solid-phase denitrification. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 116, 175-183.

13.Xu Zhongshuo;Li Jinjun; Pan Yuying; Chai Xiaoli, Human health risk assessment of heavy metals in a replaced urban industrial area of Qingdao, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016, 188, (4).

14.许中硕;周盼盼;王宇晖;黄威;宋新山.硫铁矿介导的自养反硝化研究进展.化工进展 2023, 42 (9), 4863-4871.

15.李亚楠; 张皓; 王宇晖; 宋新山; 许中硕*.无机-有机基质配置对反硝化生物滤池脱氮除磷效能的影响机制.东华大学学报 2023, 49 (2), 150-158.


1. Tongji- Kyushu University Summer school.2014. Fukuoka, Japan.

2. Zhongshuo Xu, Xiaohu Dai and Xiaoli Chai. Eutrophic surface water in China: current status, challeges and perspective. The 8th International Symposium on the East Asia Environmental Problems. 2014. Fukuoka, Japan.(Oral presentation)

3. Zhongshuo Xu, Xiaoli Chai. Effect of weight ratios of PHBV/PLA polymer blends on nitrate removal efficiency and microbial community during solid-phase denitrification. The 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting &Exposition. 2017. San Francisco, USA. (Poster)


1. 柴晓利,杨宁,许中硕,武博然,邓雨晨,周萌。一种景观水体底泥修复剂、制备及使用方法:CN105712599B

2. 柴晓利,何厚波,张力,余毅坚,许中硕,邓雨晨,徐怡婷,武博然;一种改性聚氨酯悬浮材料、制备方法及其应用;CN104961227A