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2013.9-2018.6    浙江大学环境与资源学院                            硕博连读

2009.9-2013.6    浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院            本科




2016.9-2017.9 加州大学河滨分校交流博士


1、环境监测;2、化工原理;3. 环境健康(英文)




1.   国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于结构多样性的全氟/多氟化合物源解析及土气交换行为研究,2021/01-2023/12,主持

2.   国家重点研发计划项目,一带一路沿线典型重污染行业清洁生产技术比较与应用联合研究,2020/06-2023/05,子课题主持

3.   上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,全/多氟化合物在纺织行业的末端处理排放特征、来源解析及生态风险评价,2019/05-2022/04,主持


1.       Quan Zhou,Chenye Xu*Chensi Shen,Fang Li,Shuren Liu, Muhammad Aamir. Congener profiles, air-soil exchange, and potential risks of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in demonstration zone of Yangtze River Delta. Atmospheric Pollution Research,2023, 14, 101639

2.       Yonghong Tian, Quan Zhou, Long Zhang, Weitong Li, Shanshan Yin, Fang Li, Chenye Xu*. In utero exposure to per-/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs): preeclampsia in pregnancy and low birth weight for neonates. Chemosphere 2023, 313, 137490

3.       Chensi Shen, Jiaxin Ding, Chenye Xu*, Long Zhang, Shuren Liu and Yonghong Tian* Perfluoroalkyl Mixture Exposure in Relation to Fetal Growth: Potential Roles of Maternal Characteristics and Associations with Birth Outcomes. Toxics 2022, 2022, 10, 650.

4.        Siyuan Zhang1, Chenye Xu1, Ruimin Xie, Hang Yu, Mingxing Sun, Fang Li.Environmental assessment of fabric wet processing from gate-to-gate perspective: Comparative study of weaving and materials. Science of the total Environment 2023, 857, 159495.

5.        Chenye Xu, Jiawei Lu, Chensi Shen, Jie Wang*, Fang Li. Deciphering the mechanisms shaping the plastisphere antibiotic resistome on riverine microplastics. Water Research, 2022, 225, 119192.

6.        Fang Li, Yifan Ni, Junhao Cong, Chensi Shen, Peng Ji, Huaping Wang, Lanjun Yin, Chenye Xu*. Wiping conditions and fabric properties influenced the microfiber shedding from non-woven products. Environmental Science: Processes & impacts,2022, 24(8)

7.        Chenye Xu, Long Zhang, Quan Zhou, Jiaxing Ding, Shanshan Yin, Xuejun Shang, Yonghong Tian*. Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances as a risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus through interference with glucose homeostasis. Science of the total Environment2022, 838, 156561.

8.        Chenye Xu, Gang Zhou, Jiawei Lu, Chensi Shen, Zhiqiang Dong, Shanshan Yin*, Fang Li*Spatio-vertical distribution of riverine microplastics: impact of the textile industry. Environmental Research2022,211, 112789.

9.        Chunjie Gu#, Chenye Xu#*, Quan Zhou, Chensi Shen, Chunyan Ma, Shuren Liu, Shanshan Yin, FangLi, Congener- and isomer-specific Perfluorinated compounds in textile wastewater from Southeast China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 32, 128897.

10.    Chenye Xu, Beibei Zhang, Chunjie Gu, Chensi Shen, Shanshan Yin, Muhammad Aamir, Fang Li, Are we underestimating the source of microplastic pollution in the terrestrial environment? Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 400, 123228.

11.    Chenye Xu, Shanshan Yin, Yingxue Liu, Zhehui Zhong, Fang Li,Kai Liu, Weiping Liu. Prenatal exposure to chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonic acids and perfluoroalkyl acids: Potential role of maternal determinants and associations with birth outcomes.Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 380, 120867.

12.    Chenye Xu, Xinmeng Lin, Shanshan Yin, Kai Liu, Weiping Liu. Spatio-vertical characterization of the BTEXS group of VOCs in Chinese agricultural soils. Science of the total Environment 2019,694, 133631.

13.    Chenye Xu, Jie Wang, Weiping Liu, Jay Gan. Development of Film-based Passive Samplers for in situ Monitoring of Trace Levels of Pyrethroids in Sediment. Environmental Pollution 2018, 242, 1684-1692.

14.    Chenye Xu, Xinmeng Lin, Kai Liu, Weiping Liu. Enantioselectivity in Biotransformation and Bioaccumulation Processes of Typical Chiral Contaminants. Environmental Pollution 2018, 243, 1274-1286.

15.    Chenye Xu, ShanshanYin, Mengling Tang, Kai Liu, Fangxing Yang, Weiping Liu. Environmental exposure to DDT and its metabolites in cord serum: Distribution, enantiomeric patterns, and effects on infant birth outcomes. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 560, 491-498.





