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先后主持2项国家自然科学基金,多项“纺织火电行业水资源高效循环与资源回用技术及示范”国家重点研发计划、“流域水质目标管理技术体系集成研究项目”水专项项目等子课题;主持“全国第二次污染源普查-纺织服装行业产排污量核算方法”课题和《纺织行业产污系数手册》编制,负责《排污许可证申请与核发规范 纺织印染工业》和《纺织工业污染防治可行技术指南》的编制工作,参与《纺织工业企业环境保护设计规范》修订工作;主持完成污水处理工程设计及环境管理咨询类项目100余项。曾获得国家科技进步奖二等奖1项,获上海市及中国纺织工业联合会等省部级科技进步奖7项;目前已发表期刊论文110余篇;授权发明专利40余项。










2006.07-2008.09  东华大学            讲师

2008.09-2012.01  东华大学            副教授

2012.01-2013.01  德州大学奥斯汀分校 访问学者

2013.01-2016.09  东华大学            副教授      

2016.09-至今  东华大学            教授/副院长






[1] 城乡梯度污水减污降碳关键技术研究与示范,上海市科学技术委员会科技创新行动计划,2021.11-2024.10

[2] 一带一路沿线典型重污染行业清洁生产技术比较与应用联合研究,国家重点研发计划,2020.04-2023.03

[3] 全国第二次污染源普查-纺织服装行业产排污量核算方法,生态环境部,2018.09-2019.12

[4] 流域水质目标管理技术体系集成研究项目,水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2017.06-2020.06

[5] 纺织火电行业水资源高效循环与资源回用技术及示范,国家重点研发计划,2016.07-2019.12

[6] 《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 纺织印染行业》,环境保护部,2016.07-2018.12

[7] 采用氨基功能化氧化石墨烯改性正渗透膜的抗污染机理及时效性研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2015.01-2018.12

[8] EPS模拟高聚物与盐类共混体系超滤过程中膜污染及通量衰减机理分析,国家自然科学基金委员会,2010.01-2012.12


[1] Zhang, S., Gan J., lv J., Shen C., Xu, C., & Li, F. 2024. Environmental impacts of carbon fiber production and decarbonization performance in wind turbine blades. Journal of Environmental Management, 351: 119893.
[2] Zhou, J., Niu X., Yang, J., Guo, B., Chen, Q., & Li, F. 2024. Coordination of few-atomic Pt clusters with Mo to boost the hydrogenation reduction of bromate. Separation and Purification Technology, 339:126693.
[3] Lou, M., Huang, S., Zhu, X., Chen, J., Fang, X., & Li, F. 2024. Dual-polymers inserted graphene oxide membranes with enhanced anti-wetting and anti-scaling performance for membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 697: 122494.
[4] Chen, J., Bai, Y., Gadallah, E., Xu, X., Jing, Y., Lou, M., Zhang, X., & Li, F. 2024. Enhancing the perm-selectivity of thin-film nanocomposite membranes intercalated with cyclodextrin-chelated Metal-Organic Framework via modulated interfacial polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science, 693: 122382.
[5] Zhu, X., Lou, M., Fang, X., Li, Y., Xu, X., El-Aassar, A. H. M., & Li, F. 2023. Pyrrole/MXene membranes with simultaneously high structural stability and permeability for nanofiltration: Implication for water transport. Journal of Membrane Science, 687: 122067.
[6] Zhang, S., Xu, C., Xie, R., Yu, H., Sun, M., & Li, F. 2023. Environmental assessment of fabric wet processing from gate-to-gate perspective: Comparative study of weaving and materials. Science of The Total Environment, 857: 159495.
[7] Lou, M., Li, J., Zhu, X., Chen, J., Zhang, X., Fang, X., & Li, F. 2023. Difunctional MOF-wrapped graphene membranes for efficient photothermal membrane distillation and VOCs interception. Journal of Membrane Science, 676: 121592.
[8] Zhu, X., Lou, M., Chen, J.,  Fang, X., Huang, S., & Li, F. 2023. MXene/ZIF-L co-stacking membranes with high water permeation for solute-tailored selectivity. Applied Surface Science, 625:157194.
[9] Zhang, Y., Du, M., Shen, C., Zhang, R., Xu, C., Ma, C., Huang, M., & Li, F. 2023. Enhanced adsorption-oxidation of Sb(III) over chitosan bimetallic beads:  In-situ generated O2•– and autocatalytic effect of Sb(III). Applied Surface Science, 627: 157320
[10] Xu, C., Zhou, G., Lu, J., Shen, C., Dong, Z., Yin, S., & Li, F. 2022. Spatio-vertical distribution of riverine microplastics: Impact of the textile industry. Environmental Research, 211: 112789.
[11] Lou, M., Zhu, X., Fang, X., Liu, Y., & Li, F. 2022. Interception of volatile organic compounds through CNT electrochemistry of electrified membrane surface during membrane distillation. Separation and Purification Technology, 297: 121380.
[12] Lou, M., Fang, X., Huang, S., Li, J., Liu, Y., Chen, G., & Li, F. 2022. Effect of cations on surfactant induced membrane wetting during membrane distillation. Desalination, 532:115739.
[13] Li, F., Ni, Y., Cong, J., Shen C., Ji P., Wang, H., Yin, L., & Xu, C. 2022. Wiping conditions and fabric properties influenced the microfiber shedding from non-woven products†. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts,24:1855-1866.
[14] Li, F., Ma, H., Shen, C., Pan, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Xu, C., & Wu, D. 2021. From the accelerated production of ·OH radicals to the crosslinking of polyvinyl alcohol: The role of free radicals initiated by persulfates. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 285: 119763.
[15] Lou, M., Fang, X., Liu, Y., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Ma, C., Wang, H., Wu, J., Wang, Z., & Li, F. 2021. Robust dual-layer Janus membranes with the incorporation of polyphenol/Fe3+ complex for enhanced anti-oil fouling performance in membrane distillation. Desalination, 515: 115184.
[16] Liu, Y., Yang, S., Jiang, H., Yang, B., Fang, X., Shen, C., Yang, J., Sand, W., & Li, F. 2021. Sea urchin-like FeOOH functionalized electrochemical CNT filter for one-step arsenite decontamination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 407: 124384.
[17] Shen, C., Wang, M., Xiong, M., Zhang, Y.,  Xu, C., Ma, C., Liu, Y., Wang, H., & Li, F. 2021. Selective adsorption and fluorescence sensing of tetracycline by Znmediated chitosan non-woven fabric. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 603:418-429.
[18] Li, F., Zhong, Z., Gu, C., Shen C., Ma, C., Liu, Y., Yin, S., &Xu, C. Metals pollution from textile production wastewater in Chinese southeastern coastal area: occurrence, source identification, and associated risk assessment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(29): 38689-38697.
[19] Xu, C., Zhang, B., Gu, C., Shen, C., Yin, S., Aamir, M., & Li, F. 2020. Are we underestimating the sources of microplastic pollution in terrestrial environment? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400: 123228.
[20] Li, F., Sun, L., Liu, Y., Fang, X., Shen, C., Huang, M., Wang, Z., & Dionysiou, D. D. 2020. A ClO center dot-mediated photoelectrochemical filtration system for highly-efficient and complete ammonia conversion Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400: 123246.
[21]Pan, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, D., Shen, C., Ma, C., Li, F., Zhang, Y., & Ma, H. 2020. Application of Fenton pre-oxidation, Ca-induced coagulation, and sludge reclamation for enhanced treatment of ultra-high concentration poly(vinyl alcohol) wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 389: 121866.
[22]Shen, C., Li, H., Wen, Y., Zhao, F., Zhang, Y., Wu, D., Liu, Y., & Li, F. 2020. Spherical Cu2O-Fe3O4@chitosan bifunctional catalyst for coupled Cr-organic complex oxidation and Cr(VI) capture-reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 383: 123105.
[23]Liu, Y., Mei, J., Shen, C., Huang, M., Yang, M., Wang, Z., Sand, W., & Li, F. 2020. Rapid and selective electrochemical transformation of ammonia to N2 by substoichiometric TiO2-based electrochemical system. RSC Advances, 10(3): 1219-1225.
[24]Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, F., Shen, C., Li, F., Huang, M., Yang, B., Wang, Z., & Sand, W. 2020. Ultra-rapid detoxification of Sb(III) using a flow-through electro-fenton system. Chemosphere, 245: 125604.
[25] Li, F., Ma, H., Shen, C., Pan, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Xu, C., Wu, D. 2020. From the accelerated production of •OH radicals to the crosslinking of polyvinyl alcohol: The role of free radicals initiated by persulfates, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 285: 119763-119775.
[26] Li, F., Peng, X., Liu, Y., Mei, J., Sun, L., Shen, C., Ma, C., Huang, M., Wang, Z., & Sand, W. 2019. A chloride-radical-mediated electrochemical filtration system for rapid and effective transformation of ammonia to nitrogen. Chemosphere, 229: 383-391.
[27] Shen, C., Pan, Y., Wu, D., Liu, Y., Ma, C., Li, F., Ma, H., & Zhang, Y. 2019. A crosslinking-induced precipitation process for the simultaneous removal of poly(vinyl alcohol) and reactive dye: The importance of covalent bond forming and magnesium coagulation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 374: 904-913.
[28] Li, F., Huang, J., Xia, Q., Lou, M., Yang, B., Tian, Q., & Liu, Y. 2018. Direct contact membrane distillation for the treatment of industrial dyeing wastewater and characteristic pollutants. Separation and Purification Technology, 195: 83-91.
[29] Liu, Y., Li, F., Xia, Q., Wu, J., Liu, J., Huang, M., & Xie, J. 2018. Conductive 3D sponges for affordable and highly-efficient water purification. Nanoscale, 10(10): 4771-4778.
[30] Li, F., Xia, Q., Gao, Y., Cheng, Q., Ding, L., Yang, B., Tian, Q., Ma, C., Sand, W., & Liu, Y. 2018. Anaerobic biodegradation and decolorization of a refractory acid dye by a forward osmosis membrane bioreactor. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4(2): 272-280.


[1] 染料降解过程中的优先中间产物及其生成机制,2024年环境科学技术年会,口头报告,2024年5月26-28日,武汉,中国
[2] 高性能MXene膜制备及其分离机制研究:渗透性与稳定性,水处理先进膜技术高端论坛,口头报告,2023年9月8-10日,哈尔滨,中国
[3] 膜蒸馏中的VOCs的传质及控制,第十七届青岛国际水大会,口头报告,2022年9月4-8日,青岛,中国
[4] 锑在聚酯纤维染整过程中的释放行为及生物毒性研究,第十一届全国环境化学大会,口头报告,2022年7月25日,哈尔滨,中国
[5] Sustainable and Affordable Wastewater Treatment Techniques with Smart Energy for Textile Industry, International Conference on Triangular Cooperation, Oral, September 15th-16th, 2022, Ethiopia
[6] 口罩与擦拭材料微塑料纤维的释放行为,第十届先进纤维与聚合物材料国际会议,邀请报告,2021年10月17-20日,上海
[7] Accounting Methods for Pollutant Generation Coefficients of Pinpoint Pollution Sources in The Textile Industry: Second National Census of Pollution Sources in China, Sixteenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, Oral, Jan 29-31, 2020, Santiago, Chile


[1] 李方;沈忱思;章耀鹏;徐晨烨;杜繆佳; 一种从印染白泥中水热回收高纯度对苯二甲酸的方法,2024-4-12, 中国, ZL 202111127315.9
[2] 李方;李璟孜;娄蒙蒙;黄世燕;朱晓伟;沈忱思;徐晨烨;张星冉; 一种利用余热及太阳能膜蒸发对印染废水再生的系统及方法,2024-1-26, 中国, ZL202210650841.1
[3] 李方;章耀鹏;沈忱思;徐晨烨;刘奎东;李世琪; 一种高浓缩染色残液的沉淀分离方法, 2021-12-10, 中国, ZL202010963650.1
[4] 李方;季慕尧;田晴;刘艳彪;夏琴;陈洪腾;潘玉婷;芮豪杰;王倩;彭翔;杨波;马春燕; 一种高氮印花废水处理回用系统及其使用方法, 2021.4.2, 中国, ZL201711340738.2
[5] 李方;沈忱思;陈洪腾;刘艳彪;季慕尧;夏琴;潘玉婷;王倩;彭翔;苪豪杰;程谦勋; 一种利用含聚乙烯醇退浆废水资源化制备抑尘剂的方法, 2020.5.29, 中国, ZL201711340740.X
[6] 李方;李佳峰;赵永军;孟蝶;黄嘉慧;王随峰;张冉冉;郑凯;王康伟; 一种氨基改性氧化石墨烯接枝改性超滤微滤膜的制备方法,2016.8.17, 中国, ZL201410267511.X
[7] 李方;赵永军;李佳峰;孟蝶;汪帅;李勇;潘婷;杨波;田晴; 一种氨基改性氧化石墨烯复合正渗透膜的制备方法, 2015.12.2,中国,ZL201410124106.2
[8] 李方;杨林明;黄礼超;朱云锋;潘婷;李勇;汪帅; 一种利用生物制剂进行PVA接枝的膜表面亲水改性方法, 2014-8.13,中国,ZL201210435124.3
[9] 李方; 一种分流式双系统污泥减量膜生物反应器及其使用方法, 2011-5-17,中国,ZL201110126880.3
[10] 李方;娄云鹏;杨波;田晴;李俊生;陶菲菲;李盼;吴亮;王歌;付乐乐; 一种潜水搅拌式水解酸化膜生物反应器, 2012.3.21, 中国, ZL201010544739.0


[1] 《排污许可证申请与核发规范 纺织印染工业》,HJ 861—2017
[2] 《纺织工业企业环境保护设计规范》,GB 50425-2019
[3] 《纺织工业污染防治可行技术指南》,HJ 1177—2021


[1] 2022,一种高氮印花废水处理回用系统及其使用方法,中国纺织工业联合会优秀专利奖,优秀奖,1/12
[2] 2020,排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 纺织印染工业,中国纺织工业联合会科技成果奖,优秀奖
[3] 2019,印染废水低成本处理和高效再生利用关键技术与产业化,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖,一等奖,2/15
[4] 2010,纺织工业节能减排与清洁生产审核,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖,二等奖,8/12
[5] 2008,印染废水大通量膜处理及回用技术与产业化,国家科技进步奖二等奖,4/15
[6] 2007,棉印染废水回用工程技术的研究,中国纺织工业协会科技进步奖二等奖,6/10
[7] 2007,新型大孔纤维膜在废水处理及回用中的研究应用,上海市科学技术奖二等奖