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5、Design of Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment(全英文课程)


(1) 环境新兴污染物污染控制

(2) 污染土壤化学与微生物修复技术


1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51978136):基于零价铁强化污泥厌氧消化过程中抗生素抗性基因的削减机制研究,2020.01~2013.12

2、 广西科技重大专项课题(桂科AA17204076):土壤、地下水有机污染微生物高效降解菌种及相关技术设备研发,2017.11~2021.12

3、 国家重点研发计划(2019YFD1100502)子课题:河网区受污染地表/地下水环境一体化修复关键技术与设备研究,2019.11~2022.12

4、 上海市生态环境局科研项目(沪环科[2020]第51号):基于地表水在线监测时间序列分析的突发性污染预警技术研究,2020.05~2021.04

5、 上海市自然科学基金(17ZR1400400):活性污泥系统中微量四环素对其抗性基因表达的诱导作用机制,2017.05~2020.04

6、 东华大学励志计划项目:曝气生物滤池中生物膜的形成对典型抗生素药物降解的影响作用机制研究,2014.01~2016.12

7、 上海市浦江人才计划项目:活性污泥系统中典型抗生素药物降解菌的筛选及其共代谢降解机制研究,2013.10~2015.09

8、 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:水源水中低浓度红霉素药物的共代谢机制及对其抗药性细菌的选择性效应,2013.01~2015.12


1、   Lishan Zhang, Yuanshan Xie, Shan Zhong, Junyong Liu, Yan Qin, Pin Gao*. Microplastics in freshwater and wild fishes from Lijiang River in Guangxi, Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 755, 142428.

2、   Lishan Zhang, Yuanshan Xie, Junyong Liu, Shan Zhong, Yajie Qian, Pin Gao*. An overlooked entry pathway of microplastics into agricultural soils from application of sludge-based fertilizers. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(7), 4248-4255.

3、   Hanzhong Jia, Jinbo Liu*, Kecheng Zhu, Pin Gao*, Eric Lichtfouse. High contribution of hydrocarbon transformation during the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soils, humin and clay by thermal treatment at 100–200°C. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 18, 923-930..

4、   Linwei Ji, Baojiang Liu, Yajie Qian, Qing Yang, Pin Gao*. Enhanced visible-light-induced photocatalytic disinfection of Echerichia coli by ternary Bi2WO6/TiO2/reduced graphene oxide composite material: Insight into the underlying mechanism. Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31(1), 128-138.

5、   Song Zhao#, Pin Gao#, Duo Miao, Lan Wu, Yajie Qian, Shanping Chen, Virender K. Sharma*, Hanzhong Jia*. Formation and evolution of solvent-extracted and non-extractable environmentally persistent free radicals in fly ash of municipal solid waste incinerators. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(17), 10120-10130.

6、   Pin Gao, Xiaoxu Sun, Enzong Xiao, Zhixian Xu, Baoqin Li, Weimin Sun*. Characterization of iron-metabolizing communities in soils contaminated by acid mine drainage from an abandoned coal mine in Southwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(10), 9585-9598.

7、   Shan Zhong, Lishan Zhang, Xiaoying Jiang, Pin Gao*. Comparison of chemical composition and airborne bacterial community structure in PM2.5 during haze and non-haze days in the winter in Guilin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 655, 202-210.

8、   Hanzhong Jia, Song Zhao, Yafang Shi, Kecheng Zhu, Pin Gao*, Lingyan Zhu*. Mechanisms for light-driven evolution of environmentally persistent free radicals and photolytic degradation of PAHs on Fe(III)-montmorillonite surface. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 362, 92-98.

9、   Pin Gao, Ducheng Yao, Yajie Qian, Shan Zhong, Lishan Zhang, Gang Xue, Hanzhong Jia*. Factors controlling the formation of persistent free radicals in hydrochar during hydrothermal conversion of rice straw. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2018, 16, 1463-1468.

10、 Pin Gao*, Wenli Xu, Xiaohui Ruan, Yajie Qian, Gang Xue, and Hanzhong Jia*. Long-term impact of a tetracycline concentration gradient on the bacterial resistance in anaerobic-aerobic sequential bioreactors. Chemosphere, 2018, 205, 308-316.

11、 Linwei Ji, Lu Lin, Dan Yu, Pin Gao*, Wei Wang, Baojiang Liu*. Solvent-free in situ synthesis of flexible BiVO4/Bi2WO6: MWCNT, PET composites with superior mineralization potential for photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants. Materials Letters, 2018, 220, 84-98.

12、 Weimin Sun*, Valdis Krumins, Yiran Dong, Pin Gao*, Chunyan Ma, Min Hu, Baoqin Li, Bingqing Xia, Zijun He, Shangling Xiong. A combination of stable isotope probing, illumine sequencing, and co-occurrence network to investigate thermophilic acetate- and lactate-utilizing bacteria. Microbial Ecology, 2018, 75(1), 113-122.

13、  Chaochao Gu, Pin Gao*, Fan Yang, Dongxuan An, Mariya Munir, Hanzhong Jia, Gang Xue, Chunyan Ma*. Characterization of extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms under long-term exposure to ciprofloxacin antibiotic using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix and parallel factor analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24, 13536-13545.

14、 Pin Gao*, Chaochao Gu, Xin Wei, Xiang Li, Hong Chen, Hanzhong Jia, Zhenhong Liu, Gang Xue, Chunyan Ma*. The role of zero valent iron on the fate of tetracycline resistance genes and class I integrons during thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of waste sludge and kitchen waste. Water Research, 2017, 111, 92-99.

15、 Pin Gao*, Wenli Xu, Philip Sontag, Xiang Li, Gang Xue, Tong Liu, Weimin Sun*. Correlating microbial community compositions with environmental factors in activated sludge from four full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants in Shanghai, China. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(10), 4663-4673.

16、 Pin Gao*, Yiyuan Zhou, Fang Meng, Yihui Zhang, Zhenhong Liu, Wenqi Zhang, and Gang Xue. Preparation and characterization of hydrochar from waste eucalyptus bark by hydrothermal carbonization. Energy, 2016, 97, 238-245.

17、 Pin Gao*, Shi He, Shenglin Huang, Kanzhu Li, Zhenhong Liu, Gang Xue, and Weimin Sun*. Impacts of coexisting antibiotics, antibacterial residues, and heavy metals on the occurrence of erythromycin resistance genes in urban wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015, 99(9), 3971-3980.  

18、 Weimin Sun, Guangwei Yu, Tiffany Louie, Tong Liu, Chengsheng Zhu, Gang Xue, Pin Gao*. From mesophilic to thermophilic digestion: the transitions of anaerobic bacterial, archaeal, and fungal community structures in sludge and manure samples. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015, 99(23), 10271-10282.

19、 Pin Gao, Mariya Munir, Irene Xagoraraki*. Correlation of tetracycline and sulfonamide antibiotics with corresponding resistance genes and resistant bacteria in a conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 421-422, 173-183.

20、 Pin Gao*, Yunjie Ding, Hui Li, Irene Xagoraraki. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in a municipal wastewater treatment plant: Mass balance and removal processes. Chemosphere, 2012, 88, 17-24.


1. 饮用水中抗生素风险识别与防控关键技术及应用. 上海市科技进步奖.二等 (2019)

2. 东华大学学生就业创业工作促进奖 (2019)

3. 东华大学优秀教学改革探索奖 (2019)

4. 工程化教育新形势下“建筑给水排水工程”课程教学改革与实践.  “纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果三等奖 (2019)

5. 东华大学师德建设青年标兵称号 (2017)

6. 建筑给水排水工程. 东华大学青年教师教学竞赛奖. 二等 (2016)

7. 东华大学励志计划(2014)

8. 上海市浦江人才计划(2013)

9. 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划(2013)